Posts tagged with "Biobaumwolle"

Dark post-apocalyptic outfits I wear to work - Zebraspider Eco Anti-Fashion
2021 · 03. October 2021
Today I have another two outfits for you with a dark post-apocalyptic vibe that I totally wear to work. I rarely wear jeans and basic T-shirts these days; these outfits are much more comfortable and cool. This time, I'm featuring three independent designers - Schnittmuskel, Ynhoia and Dorawyn. I paid for everything myself and just tell you because I love them.

Bats, Bones and Coffins in the shop! - Zebraspider Eco Anti-Fashion
2021 · 09. September 2021
I have a quick shop update for you today. There are two pieces with my latest patterns printed on an organic jersey, and I hope you like this top and the mini skirt. Otherwise, I'm swamped preparing for the upcoming markets. Mark these in your calendars: First, the Alternative Market on 1./2. Oktober (online on Facebook) and second, the Leeds Goth Market on October 23rd. Hope to see you there.

100 days of pattern design - or not - Zebraspider Eco Anti-Fashion Blog
2021 · 17. May 2021
This is the second blog post about my 100-day project. I started it at the beginning of 2021 and wrote about it halfway through - about what it is and what I did. I chose pattern design as topic because I have been designing fabrics for a while now, and I love sewing unique products with them. I wanted to expand my portfolio and carry out all the ideas I had in my head. It was partly successful and partly not.

Moon Phases collection out now! - Eco-friendly dress, vest, skirt and bags - Zebraspider Eco Anti-Fashion
2021 · 03. May 2021
I know, it took way too long for these to hit the shop. I would love to create extensive collections and bring them out at once with a cool lookbook and everything. But this is still a side hustle, and only I end up holding creations back because I think they're not ready. So I went ahead with making product photos, and now all three items with the moon phases are finally available, plus a new (old) vest.

5 Reasons bamboo clothing is not as eco-friendly as you think - Zebraspider Eco Anti-Fashion Blog
2021 · 26. April 2021
If you're just a bit into eco-friendly clothing, you probably came across bamboo. It is often marketed as a sustainable option but without giving further information on why. Let's take a closer look beyond that green bamboo picture, and we'll see some problems. It's not all negative, though. I will leave you with some advantages and links to read or watch more.

Needlework in progress - crochet top and knitted vest - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog
2020 · 11. March 2020
I'm currently working on two yarn-based projects, a crop top in crochet and a knitted vest. Both have in common that I've done something similar before and that the yarns were not from my (still not shrinking) stash, but purchased specifically for these two garments. I'll tell you a bit more about these and why I chose them is this post (so this might qualify as unpaid advertisement), as well as the patterns I used an what I like about them.

What's new with the patches? - organic cotton and reduced surprise packs - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog
2020 · 06. February 2020
You might know, Zebraspider is going greener and fabrics are a huge part of it. Patches are definitely my bestsellers in numbers, no wonder that I would change this sooner than later. All patches are now organic. There are just a few old ones left for a reduced price. On this occasion, I also discontinued some of the less popular designs, so this is the last chance to get one of these.

Gefärbter Sweat-Cardigan für den Herbst - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog
2019 · 19. August 2019
Wie bei meiner neuen Leggings schon erwähnt, begeistere ich mich gerade für eine neue Färbemethode. Ein Cardigan aus Sweat-Stoff steht schon länger auf meiner To-Sew-Liste. Besonders für die Arbeit ist das praktisch, der ist nämlich gut unterm Laborkittel zu tragen und rutscht nicht hoch wie normalen Kapujacken mit Bündchen. Aber auch so für den Herbst ist das ne tolle Alternative zu den besagten Pullis und meiner Strickjacke aus Polyester-Strickstoff.

Ethical Fashion Show - Mondphasen Outfit - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog
2019 · 17. April 2019
Heute möchte ich euch von der Ethical Fashion Show in York berichten, meiner ersten Modenschau überhaupt. Wie der Name schon sagt standen verschiedenste Aspekte der Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltfreundlichkeit im Mittelpunkt. Hier geht es um das erste von zwei Outfits. Das Model ist Dani, eine Freundin die ich auch vom Roller Derby kenne. Zustande gekommen ist das, weil ich an Silvester die Mitorganisatorin Anna (von/mit Banshee Vintage) kennen gelernt habe. Die Fotos von der Show sind von Stephen...

Die Suche nach dem perfekten Aufnäherstoff aus Biobaumwolle - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog
2019 · 04. March 2019
Ich habe ja schonmal erzählt, warum ich auf Biostoffe umstellen möchte. Beim schwarzen Jersey ist das schon der Fall, denn mein Verbrauch ist hoch, z.B. für die Zebrashrugs. Nun ist mein großer Vorrat an Twill zu Ende gegangen, den ich hauptsächlich für die Aufnäher verwendet habe, weil der genau die richtige Dicke und Struktur für Aufnäher hatte - wie ich fand. Also habe ich mich auf die Suche nach einem Stoff aus Biobaumwolle gemacht, der die gleichen Eigenschaften hat.

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