Posts tagged with "Röcke"

The Black Denim Collection - now online! - Zebraspider Eco Anti-Fashion
2021 · 29. November 2021
You probably know, I love to alter second-hand clothing for a unique punk look - upcycling from basic into favourite pieces - so why not do some for the shop as well? I love black denim skirts, and whenever I see one in a charity shop, I take it home. I ended up with a few too much and in need of some more products for the last market. I hope you like how these turned out a much as I do!

Bats, Bones and Coffins in the shop! - Zebraspider Eco Anti-Fashion
2021 · 09. September 2021
I have a quick shop update for you today. There are two pieces with my latest patterns printed on an organic jersey, and I hope you like this top and the mini skirt. Otherwise, I'm swamped preparing for the upcoming markets. Mark these in your calendars: First, the Alternative Market on 1./2. Oktober (online on Facebook) and second, the Leeds Goth Market on October 23rd. Hope to see you there.

Punk as Fuck Recharged Mini Collection - Zebraspider Eco Anti-Fashion
2021 · 14. August 2021
Back in 2010, I had a collection based on some punk T-shirts that I turned into skirts, tops, pants and other things - look at the collage below! It was punk as fuck, and that's what I named it. I felt a strong pull to my roots recently when I re-discovered not one but two boxes full of band shirts that I collected for these kinds of pieces. I pulled out the first few and let my creativity run wild. I present you: Punk as Fuck Recharged!

Moon Phases collection out now! - Eco-friendly dress, vest, skirt and bags - Zebraspider Eco Anti-Fashion
2021 · 03. May 2021
I know, it took way too long for these to hit the shop. I would love to create extensive collections and bring them out at once with a cool lookbook and everything. But this is still a side hustle, and only I end up holding creations back because I think they're not ready. So I went ahead with making product photos, and now all three items with the moon phases are finally available, plus a new (old) vest.

End of Other Times collection - Zebraspider Eco Anti-Fashion Blog
2021 · 05. April 2021
I promised you last week, so here is the End of Other Times collection's official launch! I finally finished the latest pieces, two denim skirts and two vest tops (*cough* today). There are also two new pairs of leg warmers to complete the outfits. All these are not in the Etsy shop yet but will be by the end of tomorrow.

Preview of what I'm currently working on - Zebraspider Eco Anti-Fashion Blog
2021 · 29. March 2021
The fifth blog post of this month, I'm really sticking to my schedule again! I took a few days off work to make most of the bank holidays and get back to sewing products for the shop. There is also a market again in May, and I like to start preparing early. So, this is a preview of the designs that will be available soon.

My 100-day project: Designing fabric patterns - Zebraspider Eco Anti-Fashion Blog
2021 · 01. March 2021
What a month - short but insense! We're still in lockdown here in the UK, but I was busy preparing for my first Alternative Market of the year. It went well, and I also found some treats for myself. I updated the Etsy-shop with all new products created for the market - many different pieces in a range of sizes. I hope you like them as much as I do.

Endlich im Shop - vergessene Einzelstücke und Patronendrucke - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog
2019 · 31. August 2019
In den letzten Jahren hab ich immer mal wieder (gedruckte) Einzelstücke für on- und offline Märkte gemacht, die es nie in den Etsy Shop geschafft haben. Manche waren einfach in ner Kiste verschwunden, bei anderen fehlte noch irgendwas - meist die guten Fotos. Das habe ich jetzt nachgeholt und die Sachen nach und nach eingestellt. Heute mal eine Übersicht mit neuen alten Sachen, von denen es oft nur ein einziges Exemplar gibt.

Flohmarkt: Röcke und Leggings - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog
2019 · 03. July 2019
Auch bei den Röcken habe ich wieder ausortiert und daher heute der dritte Teil meiner Flohmarkt-Reihe. Manche hab ich auf dem Blog schonmal vorgestellt, andere sind ziemlich alt und wieder andere sind nicht von mir selbst gemacht sondern gekauft. Außerdem hab ich ein paar Leggings wiedergefunden, die's so auch nicht überall gibt. I also sorted out skirts, most of them are made by myself - some a long time ago and some hardly worn. I added some leggings at the end that are probably also not...

Ethical Fashion Show - Upcycling Outfit - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog
2019 · 07. May 2019
Es ist Zeit für das zweite Outfit der Ethical Fashion Show, wie versprochen. Bei diesem hier geht es ganz um die Wiederverwendung von Materialien. Hauptsächlich habe ich Second-Hand Klamotten verwendet, aber auch ein paar Reste von Umgestaltungen und Reparaturen. Einiges hatte ich schon in meinem Fundus, anderes habe ich extra dazu gekauft. Von meinen Ideen bis zum fertigen Outfit bei der Show berichte ich euch heute. Show-Fotos wie zuvor von Stephen James Drury und Amy hat hier gemodelt.

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