I made one with a silver moon and bat last year and it sold rather quickly. The pouch I used for this is made from an organic cotton
canvas that is sturdy and has a high quality feel. What I also like very much, is the metal zipper in silver, which is also heavy duty and has a long handle from the
same fabric. The new silver moon bat pouch is of course a bit different from the other one.
For the other bat pouches I also used some stencils I already had. They where cut from freezer paper, so they are reusable a few times. (I have a tutorial for those stencils on the blog.) One has a colony of bats in white and the other one a single bat in purple. I can't remember for what I used the leopard print, but wasn't big enough, so I had to add some spots on the edges. I like how bright the turquoise came out on this.
You can find all details and select your favourite pattern in the Etsy listings linked. Now, I have a bunch of new arm warmers and some tops that need to be photographed. So stay tuned for more shop updates.
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