
Crochet against low mood - red fishnet top


I haven't been in a nice place recently. It probably was a combination of a stressful summer, dealing with colds in autumn and not a lot of energy left for creative projects. My mood was declining with the light and I thought picking up a simple crochet project might help. It did. Well, a bit at least. So today I'd like to tell you the story of the red fishnet top.


Crochet against low mood - red fishnet top - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog
I actually started this when I stayed in bed with a cold for two days and couldn't do much else. I like watching series, but that alone bores me too much. I had a look at my stash and found this nice red yarn that is very similar to the black one I used for the first net top. Luckily it was two 50 g balls that I bought a while ago without any project in mind.
Crochet against low mood - red fishnet top - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog
You really only have to think a bit while doing the first chain to get the right width of the top with a count that works. Then it's only counting to 7 over and over (and over). I found this very calming for my mind, leaving not much room to think about anything else. I tend to overthink a lot. Keeping my hands busy with an easy task works well for me.
Crochet against low mood - red fishnet top - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog


Sometimes I did only two or three rows on an evening, sometimes I didn't pick it up for a while. I also like to have a project like this when travelling in the car or train. I made a small mistake at the back, that came out like a star. The back is intentionally longer again and this loose fitting top has a straight edge at the bottom.


Crochet against low mood - red fishnet top - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog
Now, I don't really wear a lot of red at the moment and would rather have a top in lime/chartreuse. I actually dreamed of that top, wearing it over a long, slim, sleeveless, black dress. Much more elegant than the stuff I usually wear, but I really like the idea. Therefore, I have already bought said colour and started with the top. 
Crochet against low mood - red fishnet top - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog
I decided to put the red top up for sale in the shop. It's of course very little money for all the hours I've put into this. On the other side, who gets paid for doing therapy? I guess my point here is: If you feel similar, maybe try a project like this. People often suggest meditation - I'm doing that as well and I know how hard and frustrating that can be.
Crochet against low mood - red fishnet top - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog


Have you found a creative project cheering you up during the dark season? I'll be sticking to this pattern for a while, but I also have another big project planned. Take care. X


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Comments: 4
  • #1

    Stitched Teacups (Monday, 23 December 2019 20:49)

    Für mich funktioniert Hexagone heften/zusammennähen gut. Wie beim Häkeln ist es einfach, repetitiv und gibt mir was zu tun, ohne mich anzustrengen.

    Liebe Grüße

  • #2

    Janina (Monday, 23 December 2019 21:13)

    Das klingt auch gut und nach was für's Sofa. Könnte ich mal probieren, obwohl ich sonst ja nicht so gern mit der Hand Nähe :)
    Liebe Grüße

  • #3

    Frau_Shmooples (Friday, 27 December 2019 20:56)

    Häkeln geht bei mir in solchen Phasen auch echt gut. Grad im November hatte ich ein Projekt, bei dem ich nur normale Maschen und halbe Stäbchen häkeln musste. Das war perfekt für die Bahn :)
    Je nachdem wie intensiv es gerade ist, versuche ich mich sonst auch am Schreiben. Ich hab da so das eine oder andere Projekt, bei dem negative Gefühle echt praktisch sein können. Die lassen sich viel besser nieder schreiben, wenn man sie ohnehin gerade fühlt. Dafür scheint es aber auch so ein neverending Projekt zu sein ;/
    Auf jeden Fall ist es schön, wenn man etwas hat, auf das man seinen Fokus legen kann und dann irgendwann hellt die Stimmung ja auch schon wieder auf :)

  • #4

    Janina (Sunday, 29 December 2019)

    Ja, das stimmt. Mir fällt Schreiben nicht so leicht, aber vielleicht probier ich das auch mal.
    Danke dir! :)