Again a few months since my last blog post. Time has gone really quickly when some restrictions lifted, and I went into work more. I also got really busy with sewing for Zebraspider, stocking up for the market season, custom orders, and pattern testing. Yes, there was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. The creative side of being stuck at home kept going strong.

There were three markets in September and October. First, I had a guest trader spot at the Alternative Market that runs on Facebook and is very
popular. My arm warmers were much sought-after. The only live event in 2020 was the Gothic Market in Leeds, where I brought the full Zebraspider range and (some handmade)
second-hand clothing from my own wardrobe.

The Tomorrow's Ghost Festival that is usually in Whitby twice a year was a fun online event this time, complete with a stage and trader booths. I had a great
time this Halloween even though it was only on my couch. For this, I put everything in the Etsy-shop, even the End of Other Times collection, that is missing a
few pieces. But better now than never, I guess.
In November, I had some time for personal projects again, and I dabbled in calligraphy. There are so many different styles, and I'm sure I'll develop a cool, bold one
if I keep practising. Another big project has gained traction, but not literally though: Our beloved Bedford campervan from 1979. It will be an inestimably large amount of work
but worth it.

I made some soy wax candles for Secret Santa gifts in December.
They smell like spiced apples and got proper labels before wrapping up. I also got back into drawing and designed some fabric patterns. I see so many people using the iPad that I don't have. But my laptop is convertible, and I can use the
touchscreen with a pen, as I dreamed of when I had my first Wacom tablet back in the days.

Tell me if you're interested in reading more about one or the other topic. There is a new website design almost ready to launch now. Be prepared for some
changes in the new year - I promise they will be awesome!
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Write a comment
Frau Jule (Wednesday, 30 December 2020 13:48)
ähnlich wie bei mir... irgendwie ist die blogluft raus... oder? nneues design liegt bei mir schon seit beginn des jahres in der schublade und schafft es nicht raus...
aber was ich bei dir glaube ich gerne (wieder) mehr lesen würde: deine sachen sehen immer so toll aus und ich würde mich riesig über anleitungen oder belgietungen durch die entstehung deiner werke freuen. grundsätzlich finde ich eh (auch bei mir) immer zu wenig prozessbegleitung.... sollten wir mehr tun. finde ich zumindest nämlich spannend.
bis dahin komm gut aus 2020 raus.
Janina (Thursday, 31 December 2020 18:42)
Stimmt! Ich hab nicht nur das Gefühl es wird weniger gebloggt (und dann sehr ergebnisorientiert), sondern auch weniger gelesen.
Die Entstehung find ich auch immer spannend, muß mal wieder mehr die Kamera dabei haben. Ist ja nicht so, dass ich weniger mache ;)
Vielen lieben Dank und dir auch einen guten Start ins neue Jahr!