Posts tagged with "Zeichnen"

How to sew a pencil wrap - Zebraspider Eco Anti-Fashion
2021 · 02. August 2021
I always loved coloured pencils, so making this to carry one of my favourite art tools everywhere is a bit like a childhood dream. I got back to them just a little while ago when I started with a colouring book and used them for my own art. A wrap like this can be used for many different kinds of pens and pencils, as well as for brushes and other art supplies.

My new camera - and other things I love - Zebraspider Eco Anti-Fashion
2021 · 15. June 2021
I became a bit unhappy with my old EOS 400D from 2006 recently. The pictures turned out too dark and slightly blurry, so I had to do a lot of editing. So it was time for a new model. The 800D has double the pixels, a rotatable touch screen - so I can see what I'm doing - and a video function, just to name the three most important differences for me. So here are my first shots.

What and how I've been doing - Part 3 of 2020 - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog
2020 · 29. December 2020
Again a few months since my last blog post. Time has gone really quickly when some restrictions lifted, and I went into work more. I also got really busy with sewing for Zebraspider, stocking up for the market season, custom orders, and pattern testing. Yes, there was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. The creative side of being stuck at home kept going strong.

Small things collected - gifts and drawings - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog
2020 · 23. February 2020
Sometimes I make things that I think are too "small" for their own blog post but still worth showing, so I take pictures anyway. It's the little sewing, crafting or drawing projects that also don't have a big story to tell with them, still there are interesting bits about their creation. A few things from last year that I haven't presented yet, are the patchwork pouch, black and white ink drawings and water colour Christmas cards.

How Inktober 2019 went so far - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog
2019 · 24. October 2019
I'm trying to do Inktober for the first time this year. Maybe you've heard of it, if not: it's doing a drawing in ink every day in October, usually with a prompt. I wasn't very inspired by the official prompt list, so I looked for others - and there are sooo many! I couldn't settle on a single one and picked a few autumn / Halloween / goth / botanical - themed ones (all mentioned below). Because this is such an international thing, this post is in English only.

Von Mondphasen, Aquarellfarben und Stoffmustern - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog
2018 · 19. February 2018
Wie in der Vorschau 2018 schon erwähnt, möchte ich wieder neue Stoffmuster entwerfen. Ich mag den Mond und ich mag Aquarellfarben, da versuche ich mal zu ignorieren, daß beides momentan im Trend zu sein scheint. Naja, Hauptsache ich hab wieder Spaß am Zeichnen und Malen. Es wird ja auch nicht das einzige bleiben und ich sehe dann was am besten ankommt. Zur Inspiration hab ich mir sogar etwas Literatur zugelegt.

Umwelt oder Menschen? - Zeichnungen und Politik - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog
2017 · 25. September 2017
Im heutigen Beitrag geht es um Prioritäten in verschiedenen Ländern, die ich erst so richtig erfahre seit ich in England lebe. In den Bereichen Umweltschutz und Gleichberechtigung liegen die Kulturen doch ziemlich weit auseinander. Zu meinen politischen Gedanken habe ich dieses Mal etwas gezeichnet. Die Motive haben allerdings nichts mit dem Text zu tun, sondern sind nur eine kleine Vorschau auf vielleicht kommende Projekte.